Deeply rooted. Future driven.

Stillman College, an Historically Black Liberal Arts College (HBCU) in Tuscaloosa, Alabama,
founded in 1876 holds to a tradition of excellence in education while keeping an eye on the future with innovative academic programming and a focus on teaching tomorrow’s leaders.
Now, those future leaders, along with faculty, staff, alumni and fans, can show their support for
their school with the new Stillman College branded Regions debit card.
“HBCUs have a special role and place in our communities, and their history and influence can be
felt through generations of graduates,” said Brian Jackson, head of Regions Consumer Products
and Origination Partnerships. “With our new Stillman College debit card, we’re pleased to help
alumni and students to show their Stillman pride whenever they use their Regions debit card.”
The Stillman College card is available exclusively to Regions’ customers and can be used with
all Regions Bank personal checking accounts, including LifeGreen Checking for Students® and
is also available for the Regions Now Card®. Existing customers can order the card online
through the Regions YourPix Studio® at, at any Regions branch, or
by calling 1-800-REGIONS. If you do not currently have a checking account, you can open an
account online or visit your local Regions branch.
Stillman President Yolanda W. Page added that the college is excited to offer this unique
opportunity to the Stillman community.
“Stillman is known for quality and excellence, and the Stillman card is another way those of us
who love the college can show our support,” Page said. “Tiger pride is strong, just like the
impact of this great institution!”
In addition to Stillman College, Regions offers a number of other collegiate debit cards,
including SEC and HBCU card options. For more information on collegiate cards and other
options available to customize a debit card, visit
Read more about Regions and HBCUs: