How to apply and complete the Financial Aid Process
1 – Apply to the College
Please visit the Admissions Office page to learn about completing and submitting your Admissions application. The Office of Financial Aid will not be able to review your financial aid application until you have been admitted to the college.
2 – Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
To be eligible for federal and state financial aid assistance, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and list our School Code 001044. The FAFSA can be completed online at www.studen aid.gov or by using an app on your smartphone starting October 1st the year before attending. Staff is available to assist students and parents in completing the FAFSA.
The 2022-23 FAFSA will require 2020 federal tax information. We recommend that students and parents use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to transfer their tax information onto the FAFSA. If you didn’t use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool initially, you can go back and make corrections.
3 – Provide requested documents
Our office will contact you by email if any additional documents are needed to complete your file. Needed documents are listed on My Stillman Self-Service. Some students will be required to complete the process of verification. Verification is the process in which our office must verify that the information on the FAFSA is accurate. If you are selected for verification, you must complete the verification process before any awards will be finalized. The Office of Financial Aid will submit all changes required because of the verification documents. When you submit any documents to the office, please make sure that your name and student ID number is include on all documents.
4 – Review your Award Offer
When our office completes the file review, an award offer is made. Students will receive an email when the award offer is available on My Stillman Self-Service. You must log into My Stillman Self-Service and accept, reduce, or decline the funds offered, including student loans. As our office becomes aware of additional forms of aid, we will revise your award offer as necessary.