Snedecor Building – Rm 204
Stillman College
3601 Stillman Blvd.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Phone: (205) 366-8893
All Fine Arts Scholarships consist of a performance and a personal interview.
Visual Arts applicants can provide a portfolio of three to five pieces of artwork (drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, craft, or design).
Music applicants should be prepared to play scales.
Vocalists should be prepared to sing two songs from memory in contrasting tempo and style. Vocalist may bring an accompanist, use the accompanist provided by the College, or bring CD accompaniment.
Application submissions are open from Nov 1st through April 1st.
Students must upload the following to compete for Choir Scholarships. The Choir Director is requesting the following be uploaded: Please select TWO CONTRASTING pieces for upload. Each piece should be no more than three minutes in length. (Ex. Patriotic/Spiritual/Art Song). Students will be evaluated on voice characteristics, technique, musicianship, and artistry. Name. Voice Type: sop / mezzo / alto / tenor / baritone /bass. Professional Headshot. One reference letter (on letterhead). Unofficial Transcript. Minimum GPA of 2.5.
"*" indicates required fields
Stillman College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.