- Education
Tuscaloosa, United States
Stillman College is a liberal arts institution with a historical and formal affiliation with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It is committed to fostering academic excellence, to providing opportunities for diverse populations, and to maintaining a strong tradition of preparing students for leadership and service by fostering experiential learning and community engagement designed to equip and empower Stillman’s students and its constituents.
The Psychology Department at Stillman College invites applications for an Assistant or Associate Professor of Psychology with a start date of August 2025.
Position Requirements
The selected candidate will have:• An earned doctorate (Ph.D./Psy.D.) in Psychology;• Experience teaching undergraduate courses in psychology;• Experience using technology in the classroom;• Experience teaching online courses;• A commitment to teaching and service that is consistent with the College’s Vision; and• The ability to contribute to a positive work environment in the Psychology Department and at the College
The selected candidate will:• Teach undergraduate courses which may include, freshmen and sophomore level courses, as well as more advanced/upper junior and senior level psychology courses;• Assist students with research projects;• Advise and mentor students;• Become an integral part of the campus community through service on various committees and participation in official activities at the College; and• Hold active memberships in professional associations.
The position is a full-time, 10-month tenure track appointment. Summer school teaching assignments may be available.
Interested applicants should submit a letter addressing the qualifications cited above, a completed application, a curriculum vita, copies of academic transcripts, and three letters of reference.