Batchelor Hall – Office 201
Stillman College
3601 Stillman Blvd.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Monday – Friday
9:00am – 5:00pm
Phone: 205-349-4240 ext. 8815
Stillman College offers select online courses to its students throughout the academic year. Stillman College continues to support its students and their educational goals by being a member of the Acadeum Consortium. This partnership allows for select online courses, found through the Acadeum Consortium platform, to be taken by our students and is a conscientious effort to assist them academically. Courses taken through the platform could be used for increasing one’s GPA, to repeat a course, or to maintain athletic eligibility. In addition, Stillman College also offers courses to students of other institutions a part of the consortium to assist their educational goals.
A Student can request courses in two ways:
Stillman will review the student’s course request through the Acadeum platform while taking into consideration eligibility (e.g., does the student need the course, is the student on a financial hold, has the prerequisite(s) been met, etc.) and will either approve or deny the request.
After a student submits an Acadeum Consortium course request, the Online Specialist and/or Registrar will send one of two e-mail communications:
The student pays the Home Institution’s tuition rate per credit hour for the course. Many teaching institutions require full payment before a student can start the course. The Home Institution will bill the student for courses offered on the Acadeum platform.
Once a student enrolls in a course offered through the Acadeum platform, the student agrees to pay the course fee(s). The Acadeum platform course(s) will not follow the Stillman Tuition Refund policy beyond the last day to add/drop a course at either institution (whichever comes first).
Institutions transcribe consortial courses differently, but Stillman designates the courses as follows:
The teaching institution will communicate course withdrawals, and grades to the home institution. The record will be transcribed accordingly in a timely manner, however, may not meet Stilllman’s calendar dates.
For more information on how to apply for Acadeum or more details please contact,
Kara Sallee
Stillman Online Coordinator
Stillman College-Tuscaloosa, Alabama
205-366-8817 ext. 8800
Stillman College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.