Department of religion and theology

Department Information


Office Hours:


Dr. David Ngong, Chair
Phone: (205) 686-4128 ext. 3224

Religion & Theology Degrees

The Department of Religion and Theology seeks to graduate students who are knowledgeable in the scriptures and develop students who pursue and embrace a vocation of ministry and learning for the common good. 

The religion major is designed to prepare students for further academic studies in graduate and/or professional schools. 

The theology major combines practical experience with professional and academic courses to prepare students for entry into a ministry vocation immediately upon graduation.  In addition to the two majors, the department also provides a minor in religion, a minor in theology, and a certificate in theology.

Our Bachelor's Degree

The Department offers two Bachelor of Arts degrees: one in Religion and the other in Theology.

Certification Program: Certificate in Theology

The Stillman College Certificate in Theology Program (SCCTP) is designed to provide a top-rate, continuing education program for veterans in pastoral ministry, licensed ministers working within the local church, and laypersons who are serious about Christian theological education and who desire to provide more impactful service to the church and the world.

The program is a 5-12-month program, where student-learners will complete eight (8) courses to earn a certificate. The courses are offered in sessions with each session having a duration of six (6) weeks. A total of three courses are offered every session. Two courses are offered on the campus of Stillman College on two, separate nights a week, and one class is offered online. The on-campus classes are on Monday and Thursday nights from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Program Objectives

The program is designed to do the following:
  • Enable learners to enter church ministry
  • Improve performance in church ministry
  • Serve as continuing education avenue for church workers.


Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Religion major, students will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Mastery of biblical literature and interpretive tools. (Content and Critical thinking)
  2. Understanding of the history of Christianity. (Content)
  3. Comprehension of the complexity of religious phenomena and theories. (Critical Thinking)
  4. Critical thinking about religious and ethical questions of meaning and purpose. (Critical Thinking)
  5. Proficiency in using technology as a tool for research and communication. (Communication)

Program Outcomes

As a result of successful completion of the Religion Program, graduates will look to do the following:

  1. Pursue advanced study at a graduate or professional school.
  2. Enter careers in church ministry.
  3. Enter careers in other areas of service consistent with a degree in Religion.

The religion major consists of a minimum of 39 hours.


Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Theology major, students will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. Competence in biblical exegesis and hermeneutics. (Content and Critical Thinking)
  2. Theological reasoning and practical application of their theology as Christian educators. (Critical Thinking and Communication)
  3. Understanding of the history of Christian denominational structures. (Content)
  4. Comprehension of the administrative role of ministers in specific congregational structures. (Critical Thinking and Content)
  5. Awareness of personal and professional identity in a ministerial capacity. (Critical Thinking)
  6. Proficiency in the use of technology as a tool for research and communication. (Communication)

Program Outcomes

As a result of successful completion of the Theology Program, graduates will look to do the following:

  1. Pursue advanced study at a at a seminary or divinity school.
  2. Enter careers in ministry as clergy in the church.
  3. Enter careers in other areas of service consistent with a degree in Theology.

The theology major consists of a minimum of thirty-nine (39) credit hours.


REL 230: Introductory Theologies

REL 232: Biblical Studies since the Enlightenment

REL 235: World Religions

REL 237: History of Christianity

REL 239: Ethics

REL 330: The Synoptic Gospels

REL 336: Basic Christian Beliefs

3 credits in 300-level REL Elective

REL 400: Senior Seminar

REL 433: The Reformation

REL 436: Special Topics in Biblical Studies

REL 438: Contemporary Theology 

3 credits in 400-level REL or THL Elective


THL 233: Theologies of Liberation

THL 231: Foundations of Christian Education

THL 237: History of Christianity 

THL 239: Dynamics Faith Development 

REL 239: Ethics

THL 330: Biblical Theologies

THL 331: Homiletics 

THL 336: Systematic Theology

THL 339: The Church and Human Rights

THL 421: Field Practicum I 

THL 422: Field Practicum II

THL 433: The Reformation 

THL 438: Contemporary Theology 

THL 439: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Development 


Students earning a minor in Religion will complete a total of twenty-one (21) credit hours in addition to REL 131 and REL 132. These credits will consist of the fifteen (15) credit hours of foundational and intermediate coursework, a 300-level course in biblical studies, plus six (6) credit hours in upper level courses at the 300- or 400-level as advised by a member of the faculty in the Department of Religion and Theology.


Students earning a minor in Theology will complete a total of twenty-one (21) credit hours in addition to REL 131 and REL 132. These credits will consist of the fifteen (15) credit hours of foundational and intermediate coursework plus six (6) credit hours in upper level courses at the 400 level as advised by a member of the faculty in the Department of Religion and Theology.



REL 232: Biblical Studies since the Enlightenment 

THL 233: Theologies of Liberation 

REL 235: World Religions 

THL 237: History of Christianity

REL 239: Ethics

REL 239: Ethics

REL 336: Basic Christian Beliefs

THL 330: Biblical Theologies

3 credits in 300-level REL (Biblical Studies type course)

THL 336: Systematic Theology

6 credits in 300/400-level REL

6 credits in 400-level REL or THL



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Stillman College Certificate in Theology Program

The Stillman College Certificate in Theology Program (SCCTP) is designed to provide a top-rate, continuing education program for veterans in pastoral ministry, licensed ministers working within the local church, and laypersons who are serious about Christian theological education and who desire to provide more impactful service to the church and the world.

The program is a 5–12-month online program, where student-learners will complete eight (8) courses to earn a certificate. The courses are offered in sessions with each session having a duration of six (6) weeks. A total of three online courses are offered every session. Each course is affordably priced at $200 per course.

Program Objective

The program is designed to do the following:

  1. Enable learners to enter church ministry
  2. Improve performance in church ministry
  3. Serve as continuing education avenue for church workers.

Learning Outcomes:

Those who complete the program will demonstrate the following:

  1. Basic understanding of biblical exegesis and hermeneutics
  2. Theological Reasoning and application of their theology as Christian educators
  3. Awareness of personal and professional identity in a ministerial capacity.

Courses Offered

To complete the program, students are required to take eight (8) of the following ten (10) courses: 

  1. REL 131 – Introduction to the Old Testament
  2. REL 132 – Introduction to the New Testament
  3. REL/THL 230 – Introductory Theologies
  4. REL 235 – World Religions
  5. REL 239 – Ethics
  6. REL 236 – Major Black Religious Leaders 1755-Present
  7. REL 334 – Life and Writings of Paul
  8. THL 231 – Foundations of Christian Education
  9. THL 331 – Homiletics
  10. THL 439 – Pastoral Care and Spiritual Development

Course description for these courses are found in the Stillman College Catalogue.

The faculty in the program are members of the Department of Religion and Theology.


Dr. David Ngong
Chair and Professor
(205) 686-4128 ext. 3224

Rev. Dr. Debra Moody Bass
Associate Professor
(205) 377-5937 ext. 3405

Dr. Donald Chinula
Associate Professor
(205) 773-2860 ext. 8933
