The term personal services refers to work performed for Stillman College by an individual in exchange for compensation (i.e. consulting fee, honorarium, etc.).
Payments for individuals must be approved prior to the payment activity.
Payments to Stillman employees for performing additional duties or additional assignments will be processed through payroll on the employee’s next scheduled pay date. Employee expense reimbursements (travel, supplies, etc…) will continue to be processed through accounts payable within 7 days.
Additional duties: Temporary new duties and responsibilities that significantly broaden the type of work the employee performs and requires the employee to exhibit new job skills and/or perform more complex tasks that are beyond their previous standard-level job scope. An increase in volume to an employee’s normally assigned duties generally does not meet the definition of additional duties.
Additional assignment: An assignment in addition to the employee’s primary assignment duties performed outside of the employee’s primary assignment work schedule.